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RPC Endpoints


  • Beta bundle RPC (Testnet):

    • Description: Beta bundle submission RPC
    • URL:
    • Method: mev_sendBetaBundle
    • Parameters:
      • txs: List of txs as bundle e.g. [0x2323...,]
      • slot: slot number e.g. "11282389"
    • ChainId: 17000

Bundler Examples

  • Python bundler - employs a deployed bidder contract for continuous automated bidding, while listening for auction close event, then submits the bundle

Bundle JSON Requests and Responses

Example JSON request

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "mev_sendBetaBundle",
    "params": [
        "txs": [0x... ],
        "slot": "1001"
    "id": 8

Example JSON response

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "mev_sendBetaBundle",
    "result": "0x79e5cba7876f532218ac35a357209800be2362dd2e3f1e6dc5974698f0d7cee4",

L1 Bridge

Fund L2 address by sending ETH to the bridge address.

Deployed Address (Testnet)



Deployed Address (Testnet)


Auction Contracts

Deployed Addresses (Testnet)


Registering a bidder

Only registered bidders can participate in the auction. Operators can onboard new bidders through the contract.

To check for bidderId when registered, call IdMap on the contract:

function IdMap(address bidder) external view returns (uint8 id);

Packing a bid

Bids are packed by price, amount, bidderId

     * @dev Packed Bid details into a uint256 for submission.
     * @param bidPrice Price per item.
     * @param itemsToBuy Items to buy in the auction.
     * @param bidderId Id for bidder
     * @return packedBid for auction submission
    function packBid(uint256 bidPrice, uint256 itemsToBuy, uint256 bidderId)
        returns (uint256 packedBid);

Winning bid info

After an auction is closed, bidders can query their bid results:

     * @dev Retrieve information about a bidder after auction settlement.
     * @param slot The slot identifier of the auction.
     * @param bidder The address of the bidder for whom information is requested.
     * @return itemsBought The number of items bought by the bidder in the specified auction.
     * @return amountOwed The amount owed by the bidder for the items bought in the specified auction.
     * Requirements:
     * - The auction must have been settled.
     * - The provided `bidder` address must be valid and have participated in the auction.
    function getBidderInfo(uint256 slot, address bidder)
        returns (uint120 itemsBought, uint128 amountOwed);

Bidder Contracts

A minimal viable bidder is provided below:

/// SPDX-License-Identifier: UPL-1.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.25;

import {WETH} from "solmate/tokens/WETH.sol";
import {ERC6909} from "solmate/tokens/ERC6909.sol";

interface SettlementHouse {
    function submitBundle(uint256 slot, uint256 amount, bytes32[] calldata hashes) external;

/// @title MockBidder
contract MockBidder {
    uint256[] public bids;
    ERC6909 auctioneer;
    SettlementHouse house;
    WETH weth;

    constructor(WETH _weth, address _auctioneer, address settlement) {
        weth = _weth;
        auctioneer = ERC6909(_auctioneer);
        house = SettlementHouse(settlement);
        weth.approve(_auctioneer, type(uint256).max);

    function setBids(uint256[] memory newBids) public {
        bids = newBids;

    function getBid(uint256) external view returns (uint256[] memory packedBids) {
        return bids;

    function submit(uint256 slot, uint256 amount, bytes32[] calldata hashes) external {
        auctioneer.approve(address(house), slot, amount);
        house.submitBundle(slot, amount, hashes);